Mother's Day Cards

Mother's Day is just around the corner. Take a peek below at the new cards I released this year in my shop. 

All cards are available in my Etsy shop here. If you are local, you can find these at Riverow Bookshop in Owego and Amuse: Modern Cottage Industry in Ithaca.

A Busy November!

Whew! Is it already almost Thanksgiving?? This month is seriously flying by. I've been pretty busy with craft shows, freelance work and prepping for the upcoming holiday shopping season!  So far, I've been to three craft shows already, and will head to one more this weekend. That will be 4 in one month! It's really hard to avoid being super busy at this time of year though. I keep reminding myself that come January, I'll be so bored once the rush is over. I complain when I'm busy, but I get depressed when I don't have much to do. That's what happened in the long, slow winter of last year once the Valentine's Day rush ended. I really shouldn't complain now anyways though, because I am doing what I love and my business is growing. We can sleep when we're dead! Just kidding. Naps feel so good. Anyways, here are some snippets of the shows I did already this month. First was Mayday! Underground in Rochester, NY. Then I did the Awesome Indie Art Market in Ithaca, NY. And then yesterday I did The Fab Flea in Newark Valley (a cute little pop-up sale with other local artists and vendors from my area).



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